What to Do After a Car Accident

Experienced Hamilton Auto Accident Law Firm

Providing Representation for Victims of Auto Accidents.
What to Do After a Car Accident

What to Do After a Car Accident

The moment of impact usually comes as a complete shock, followed by a frenzy of thoughts and emotions — are all drivers and passengers okay? Is anyone seriously injured? Is there extensive damage to your car or other personal property? And just what exactly happened?

Being in a car accident is often a harrowing experience, but it’s important to know what to do after having a car accident. It is essential that you collect yourself and take several steps, both at the scene and shortly after the accident, in order to protect your legal rights and ensure you get the help you need.

What Should You Do at the Scene of a Car Accident?

First and foremost, get to a place of safety if you can. Move away from traffic and take stock of any injuries you or your passengers may have suffered. Call the police immediately to report the accident, and stay on the scene until the authorities arrive so that you can make your report. Even if everyone seems fine, you shouldn’t leave the scene; not only is leaving potentially considered an offence, but you’ll also want to ensure you exchange information with the other party.

Say yes to being checked out thoroughly for injuries, and getting the medical care you need, even going to the hospital if that is recommended by the emergency medical personnel on the scene. Some injuries don’t manifest until much later. If you decline medical attention after the accident, you may be risking the development of a more serious injury later.

Obtain contact information for the other driver, as well as any witnesses to the accident. Take pictures of the scene, the road conditions, any personal injuries, and any damage to the vehicles. If possible, ask the witnesses for a statement of what they observed right at the scene, while memories of the accident are still fresh in their minds.

What Should You Do Immediately After the Accident?

In the immediate aftermath of your accident, it is important to notify your insurance company, explaining what happened, describing any personal injuries, and accounting for damage to your vehicle or any other personal property. It is also important to obtain any reports and documents regarding the accident, such as police reports, which can help you make your case.

At this time, you should also consult with an experienced and knowledgeable personal injury attorney, so that you can discuss your legal rights and options. A car accident claim can quickly become complex, involving many different laws and their application to the unique facts of your case. A personal injury lawyer will be able to negotiate with the insurance company and the parties responsible, handling all communications on your behalf and striving for a fair and reasonable offer of settlement. They will also file your claim in the appropriate court, preserve important evidence, and prepare a strong case to present in court.

What Should You Do in the Days and Weeks After the Accident?

In the weeks after the accident, it is important that you continue to obtain the medical care and treatments you need. Injuries from a car accident can be exacerbated when proper treatment is not provided. Speak to your doctor about a treatment plan and also discuss whether you will be able to continue working. If you are unable to work, obtain the necessary notes and documents from your doctor’s office.

Work with your lawyer to gather important documents, reports, and evidence, in order to build a strong case as you get ready to file a claim. Your lawyer will perform a thorough investigation of the facts and the events that led up to the accident. Also keep a journal of your pain levels, your daily discomfort, and any changes you are experiencing in your daily life as a result of your accident. For example, take note of any activity that you are no longer able to perform due to your personal injuries.

Also, work with your lawyer to ascertain the value of your damages. Collect and keep any bills or invoices for medical treatments, repairs to your vehicle, and any other expenses you have incurred. These will help establish your damages, which is a key component of your personal injury claim.

How Can Derek Wilson Personal Injury Law Help?

At Derek Wilson Personal Injury Law, we have decades of experience working on car accident claims and pride ourselves on doing our best for our clients. We are honest, we care about our clients, we fight for them, and we get results.

We offer a free initial consultation, and no payments are required until I have successfully recovered money on your behalf. For a free consultation with Ontario motor vehicle accident lawyer Derek Wilson, call us at 855-769-0418 or fill out an online request form.

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